Our Beginnings...
Beginning with simple ballet classes for homeschoolers in 2000, with no studio or other resources, our family dreamed of having a school of the arts that would include instruction in music, dance, and drama. Audaciously, in 2006, we undertook the creation of an original musical based on the well-loved story, Tales of the Kingdom, which was first performed in May, 2007. That same year, Christ In The Arts officially became a 501-c3 tax-exempt organization.
Later, through the generosity of our friends at Fresh Fire Fellowship, we were able to renovate a building that became our first studio, which allowed us to expand the classes we offered and provide after-school hours for public and private school students.
We eventually had to retire our vocal music program and focus all our efforts on dance instruction. But drama, though not explicitly taught, remains an integral part of all that we do.
Our productions remain the milestone of our work. Each one is the expression of something precious that we have valued and experienced. And with each one, a very real part of our hearts was birthed through music, dance, and story. Early on, there was Journey To The High Places based on the classic book Hinds’ Feet On High Places (which included our own volunteer choir). Later, there was REBORN, portraying the power and glory of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. Many more followed…UNSEEN…METAMORPHOSIS…CREATION CALLS…ABOVE & BEYOND…UNDIVIDED…PERCEPTION and more.
But of all the productions fondly remembered and cherished, EPIC…The Timeless Story of Extravagant Love (2011-2013) would have to be considered one of our all-time classics…telling the story of God’s incredible love throughout all the ages of history. One would have to witness firsthand the depth and breadth of heart-work that its main creators, Ms Lara and Ms Anna, experienced to begin to grasp why it became such a powerful and poignant production.
But even beyond all the truly memorable experiences we have had through our semi-annual productions, our main joy is in our people and the rich relationships that are constantly being formed. When you have young people that have been together for as many as fifteen years, learning, growing, sweating, trying and failing and trying again, crying and laughing together, learning to love each other…well, you have witnessed one of life’s great mysteries and privileges.
In the early days of our work together, we chose a verse of scripture that embodies who we are and what we have seen to be true, “…for from Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things…” (Rom. 11:36) Christ truly is the presence that fills all we do, gives it all meaning, and supplies our every need. To Him be all glory, honor, and praise…forever!